Aug 22, 2012 I think the JavaFX deployment team is working on making packaging self-contained applications for multiple operating systems easier in future releases. If all this stuff scares you, then you might be better off using a Webstart, Applet or click to run jar style deployment instead (though they come with their own issues too). Feb 25, 2018 With JDK9 we can dramatically reduce the size of self-contained application bundles. We combine Javapackager and JLink for optimal results. Link to the artic.
Javafxpert2012-12-10 22:58:49 UTCCreatedMetronomeTransition NB project for the purpose of reproducing the issueI'm trying to drop-in an.ico file when using NB 7.3 beta to create a self-contained application. I'm placing the file subordinate to the project directory in the following directory:packagewindowsMy NB project is named MetronomeTransition, and here is the location of the.ico file:some-directory-structureMetronomeTransitionpackagewindowsMetronomeTransition.icoI selected the Enable Native Packaging checkbox in Project Properties Build Deployment, and invoked the Build Native Package menu option. The MetronomeTransition.ico isn't being picked up in the native installer (it uses the default icon).I've attached the NB project for the purpose of reproducing the issue.Also, please note the initial research that Petr Somol did on this issue:Just reporting what I have found so far.
The mechanism of adding icons through a dedicated subdirectory (packagewindowsMetronomeTransition.ico) is AFAICT not the future stable way of doing it. As described at, from JDK7u10b8 the standard passing of icon to the deployment task should work. This is actually the same way as it was used before for passing icons to generate jnlp files etc.In NB there is support for this standard way of passing icons. In Project Properties - Deployment you can fill a reference to your icon. This reference is then passed to as described in the document linked above.
In other words, from JDK7u10b8 it just should start to work with the existing NB support.Nevertheless, I have not succeeded in making this work so far. One reason is a bug I discovered in how we store/pass the icon property inside NB, so I'll correct that soon. However, even if I corrected this problem manually, I could not succeed in creating a native package with custom icon for unknown reason - which seems to me to be on the JDK side. I tried it on JDK7u10b14.
I always get a message like:'Using default package resource application icon (add package/windows/MetronomeTransition.ico to the class path to customize)'which does not make sense to me as the use of should override the need to extend classpath. In NB we can not easily extend classpath for the VM in which Ant tasks run so this is not the path we could follow. Passing the classpath extension to Ant typedef when surfacing FX tasks does not seem to work either.Then it tells: 'Icon File Name: C:UserspsomolAppDataLocalTempbuild645268846.fxbundlerwindowsMetronomeTransition.ico'what shows that in windows the native packager creates a separate temporary directory for each run - the problem is that for each run a new temp dir is created with a different generated name, so the resources can not be substituted. I will investigate further and let you know if I get to something usable.
Javafxpert2012-12-14 17:06:17 UTC(In reply to ) Using JDK1.7.009On Dec 13, 2012, at 5:09 AM, PETR SOMOL wrote: Scott, I have a problem with FX native packaging and have a question to ask - do I understand it right that I can ask you regarding FX deployment stuff?Ultimately, Chris Bensen and Mark Howe will be picking up the packager, but I can answer this. It is about the issue which basically is about supplying custom icons to native packager and why it does not work from NB. I was told the issue is considered of high importance particularly on FX side - the first inquiry came from Jim Weaver but other people seem to be interested in it as well. To resolve the issue I rely on what is written atTucked away in that blog is a caveat that we only support the native platform icon type for each platform. So, a.ico only works for Windows and only an.icns will work on OS X. So I decided to take a look into the FX packager code. Javafxpert2012-12-14 17:07:53 UTCThanks Petr.
Sounds like we're blocked on this issue.@Joe, @Geertjan: Please advise whether I should file JavaFX and NetBeans issues for this, and if so, how to best file them so that the solution is coordinated between JavaFX packaging and NetBeans efforts.Please advise,Jim Weavercc: adding Sharat Chander, Nicolas Lorain, Stephen ChinOn 12/14/12 7:31 AM, PETR SOMOL wrote: Jim, I have been in touch with Scott regarding more technical details related to this issue. I am forwarding my last explanation here to clarify more. I just tried the 7u10 javafxpackager.exe and found that there was no command line argument listed in its help that would enable explicit specification of the icon file.
This seems to be in line with my understanding, that it is the approach a) (see below) which is fully supported and working, but approach b) may have not been fully realized yet. Petr On 17:49, PETR SOMOL wrote: Now I see my original description was misleading in more than one way.
I understand there are now two official ways of passing an icon to native packager - a) by creating a resources/windows subdirectory and storing the icon into it before the call to the packager, and the newer option b) as described in the blog, i.e., by passing the icon as element to task. So far only the first option has been successfully used by users and this is probably the way how Ensemble examples are realized. However, in NB the exact procedure required by approach a) does not work for reasons that I can explain if you were interested but which are not related to the issue I contacted you about. For the time being the only way we can implement for NB projects is the second approach b). so I checked DeployParams.getBundleParams but here to my surprise a BundleParams object is constructed but no icon is passed to it from DeployParams, although BundleParams has provisions to pass icon info (setIcon) And here is the second confusion I might have caused in my original description.
I wrote there was provision to pass icon to Bundler, but in fact I meant just this: from the packager codes I could see that the icon reference is passed all the way through to DeployParams, but then it is ignored and forgotten when constructing BundleParams. So when BundleParams is later passed to the concrete Bundler implementation, there is no trace of any icon in it. By remarking that I saw 'provisions to pass icon' I just meant that BundleParams is apparently meant to pass icon info because there exists a setter for that purpose in it, but it is never called. Petr. Petr Somol2012-12-16 01:30:24 UTCJim, thank you for recording our e-mail exchange here, I'll redirect all relevant details here as well.I keep investigating the issue and for now discovered the following discrepancy between JavaFX documentation and NB build system behavior. At I see the following sentence: 'If you created a JavaFX project using Netbeans 7.2 or later, then the JavaFX Ant tasks are predefined, and '.'
Samsung s3 phone. Solutions & Tips, Download Manual, Contact Us. Samsung Support Singapore.
Is already added to the classpath by default.' Just under Example 6.5. This is not exactly true. In current NB build system we have provision to extend the classpath, but we do not add '.' Currently this is to be done manually through project property endorsed.javafx.ant.classpath.If - for the purpose of native packager - '.' Should be added always, we can change the build script accordingly.
Nevertheless, while trying to make the drop-in mechanism work I could not succeed with or without '.' On taskdef classpath so far. Petr Somol2012-12-18 12:09:28 UTCObservation regarding approach a), i.e., the drop-in mechanism: We did find a way to make drop-in mechanism work in NB, which unfortunately is not recommendable in general.
Go to menu Tools-Options-Java-Ant and click Add Directory., now add the path to your project here. From now on the native packager does recognize the drop-in resources and does use the custom icons.
Surprisingly enough this works even without the '.' Added to classpath attribute. The problem with this, and the reason why this is to be avoided, is the fact that it is a IDE-wide setting, not a project specific one.
Thus, adding a project to Ant classpath in this way pollutes Ant classpath of the IDE as a whole. Moreover, when a project is transferred elsewhere, this setting is not. Petr Somol2012-12-20 15:48:49 UTCI better file a waiver request for this issue with respect to 7.3 based on the following summary of the current state:Passing an icon to the JavaFX native bundler should be possible in two ways, according to FX documentation at and.a) the drop-in way relies on the Ant task from FX SDK to read the icon file from a relative subdirectory of a defined name. This mechanism currently does not work in NB due to the way NB handles Ant based build processes (Ant is not called from the project's root directory, etc.).
Making changes in NB Ant-based build infrastructure would be quite dangerous this close before release because it would substantially affect virtually all Java based project types. The potential change would affect considerably an infrastructure that has worked reliably in principally unchanged state for many years. A workaround, though ugly, exists; see.b) path to icon should be possible to pass to using a definition.
This approach is more in line with passing other types of information to the FX packager tasks and is actually already suppoted by NB. However, although it had been announced to work in JDK7u10 (FX SDK 2.2.4), it did not make it there. In JDK7u12 (FX SDK 2.2.6) improvements have been made but still the implementation fails to work on the FX SDK side.
An issue has been filed in JavaFX jira:In the current state this NB issue #223626 depends on the state of external tooling that keeps evolving at fast rate. The bug in the external tools can be expected to be fixed in near future, what would either resolve this issue without the need of any action on our side or with possibly very little adjustment of the FX Application specific build scripts. Such adjustment then can be published as a patch. In the meantime a workaround (though ugly) can be applied.The waiver request does not mean for sure that the issue will remain open before NB7.3 branching; we just can not guarantee when the final solution date with respect to 7.3 branching date. Javafxpert2013-03-12 22:42:12 UTCI tested on Mac and Windows, using JDK 7u17 and the latest development build of NB. It works for me on Mac but not on Windows.Mac: The icon (.icns file) that I selected in the Native Package Icon field of the Properties Build Deployment Icon and Splash Image dialog was successfully used.Windows: The icon (.ico file) that I selected in the Native Package Icon field of the Properties Build Deployment Icon and Splash Image dialog was not successfully used, rather, the default icon was used.Could someone please clarify the expected user steps on Windows? Note that I didn't alter the status of th issue.Thanks,Jim Weaver.
Petr Somol2013-03-13 16:39:46 UTCToday I discovered the following problems in FX native packager (some of which had not been known to me before) that are all outside NetBeans:1) At least on Windows the native packager expects the icon file to have the same name as is the name of the main project class. The patch presented in does not enforce this, so if users choose an icon with arbitrary name, it is simply ignored by the native packager. This particular problem can be overcome on NetBeans side by always creating a temporary icon copy, properly renamed, before passing to native packager task. This is now fixed in jetmain:2) Surprisingly, the only JDK to support correctly appears to be JDK7u14. I have today checked that JDK7u17 and JDK7u21 both fail silently, i.e., the native icon is silently ignored by their native packager.The patch in was made based on the assumption that once the correct behavior appeared once in 7u14, it will remain as part of all subsequent JDKs, but this turns out not to be true. Perhaps the newer JDKs are based on some pre-7u14 branch and serve as bugfixes only, while the fix in 7u14 has been forgotten to be transplanted?I better summarize here how to verify that JDK7u14 does work (and the others do not):- install current NetBeans daily build- run it on JDK7u14- create JavaFX Application project- in Project Properties dialog go to Deployment panel.
Here edit 'Icons and Splah image' and browse for a valid.ico file (on Windows). Close the icons' dialog by OK. Being again in the Deployment panel, check 'Enable native packaging' and select All in the checkbox.
(I assume you have all the necessary third party tools installed)- right-click project in Projects window and select 'Build native package'- after a while (a couple of minutes) the build process finishes. Now check from outside NetBeans, that there is the dist/bundles/ sub-directory in the project dir and that it contains an.exe file having the correct icon.The fact that there is uncertainty as of which JDK versions do support correctly, I recommend not to transplant the patches from this issue to 7.3 branch yet. I am marking this issue as candidate for the next patch, hoping that the situation on JDK side will have been clarified by then.At the same time I am going to reopen the jira issue RT-27029 with the same explanation as provided here.3) task does not use native packager implementation from the same JDK, instead it uses the one from the running VM. This is a problem in NetBeans, where projects can use different Java platforms from the one on which NB itself (and its build process) runs.
Take the today for more information and further details! This special offer gives you full member access to our downloads. Authorization Code For T Racks was added to DownloadKeeper this week and last updated on 11-May-2020. New downloads are added to the member section daily and we now have 365,206 downloads for our members, including: TV, Movies, Software, Games, Music and More.It's best if you avoid using common keywords when searching for Authorization Code For T Racks.
Therefore, support of in the platform selected for project is irrelevant, instead the whole NB must be run on a platform that supports.-As there is apparently nothing more that can be done on NetBeans side regarding the inconsistent support of in various JDKs, I am closing the issue again. When considering whether to leave the current support of native packager icons available to NB users, it is probably better to leave it so, because with some JDKs the functionality does work, and it can be expected that the bugs on JDK side will be resolved eventually.
IntroductionJavaFX brings an awesome packaging tool and terrific set of packaging Ant Tasks to the JVM. Starting with, these tools can be used to turn any arbitrary executable jar into native application bundles and installers. If you can follow the instructions for generating a Standalone Executable Jar, then you can turn your JRuby application into an.exe,.msi,.dmg,.deb or.rpm file that can install it and everything it needs to run onto your users systems as a native app. All you need is to get familiar with some ant tasks, and write a Rakefile.Prerequesites. Major improvements were made to the JavaFX packaging tools to make them more flexible, flexible enough to work with JRuby jars. These improvements were supposed to go into JDK7 update 10, but didn't make it.
So, unless a new update comes out that includes the improved packaging tools, you'll need to download and use the JDK8 Early Access Release. Efforts are being made to get these tools into. Once they are there, you can just have rake download the necessary jar (ant-javafx.jar), and not be bothered about versions at all.If you are releasing your build script/Rakefile into environments you do not immediately control, your script should check for the JDK 8 and include an appropriate error message. Otherwise you are setting your users up for a great deal of pain.The packaging toolkit can only create packages for the OS it is being used on, so for Windows installers you will need to run it on a Windows machine, for OSX installers you will need to run it on a Mac, etc.In order for the installer to be created, you will need some additional tools installed on your system. For Windows you need either Inno Setup 5 or later for an EXE or to generate an MSI. Make sure the WiX toolset's bin folder is on the PATH. No special tools are needed to generate a DMG, just a recent version of OSX.
For Linux, the packager uses dpkg-deb to create DEB installers and rpmbuild for RPM.A Simple ExampleThere are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tasks and customization options you can choose from, so it would be impossible for me to catalog those all here. Instead, we'll cover a simple example that should explain the basic principles involved, and you can examine the Oracle documentation for more advanced customization.If you aren't familiar with JRuby's Ant library, is a good primer, and there is an excellent sub-chapter in the book. Info( title: 'Hello World App', vendor: 'Me', description: 'Test built from Java executable jar' ) application( mainClass: 'org.jruby.JarBootstrapMain' ) resources do fileset( dir: 'dist' ) do include name: 'HelloWorldApp.jar'This should all be pretty self explanatory. Info is basic info about your app.
MainClass will always be org.jruby.JarBootstrapMain for us, unless something in JRuby changes. The resources block is where you list everything that goes into the package and would include additional files like extra jars or other stuff you might need bundled into the installer, although you may already have this all bundled up into your standalone executable jar. Here we just have the one jar, 'HelloWorldApp.jar', which is in a directory, dist. There are tons of options you can pass to these tasks, and more tasks you can include.
Visit the official for details.Webstart FilesThe JavaFX packaging tool automatically produces Webstart files (a barebones html file to launch it and a jnlp file), used for loading the application from the browser. These are completely broken and unusable with JRuby, as far as I can tell, so be sure to have your rake task remove them, so as not to confuse users.For JRubyFX, we used something like this.
send( '', nativeBundles: 'all', width: '100', height: '100', outdir: 'build/', outfile: 'HelloWorldApp', verbose: true ) doThis will cause the JavaFX packaging tools to enter verbose mode, and provide more details about the process, including (the important part for customization) the location of a temporary folder where the config resources for the build are held and a list of the resources and the role of each. Copy the contents of this tmp folder into a folder in your project directory (the dir you run rake from) where the packaging tools will know to look for them.
For example, on linux this would be mainprojectdir/package/linux. On OSX, it is mainprojectdir/package/macosx. So, if I wanted to use a custom icon, I'd replace the default icon with my own, ensuring it has the same name, and place it inside that linux or macosx folder.
Then run the build again. You can find more information on customizing at the. May also be helpful, as he goes through the process of customizing an app for both Windows and OSX.For Addition Resources See:For an example of using these tasks programatically, check out the project's jrubyfx-jarify tool, which takes a few command-line options and spits out an executable jar and a native package.
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Aug 22, 2012 I think the JavaFX deployment team is working on making packaging self-contained applications for multiple operating systems easier in future releases. If all this stuff scares you, then you might be better off using a Webstart, Applet or click to run jar style deployment instead (though they come with their own issues too). Feb 25, 2018 With JDK9 we can dramatically reduce the size of self-contained application bundles. We combine Javapackager and JLink for optimal results. Link to the artic.
Javafxpert2012-12-10 22:58:49 UTCCreatedMetronomeTransition NB project for the purpose of reproducing the issueI\'m trying to drop-in an.ico file when using NB 7.3 beta to create a self-contained application. I\'m placing the file subordinate to the project directory in the following directory:packagewindowsMy NB project is named MetronomeTransition, and here is the location of the.ico file:some-directory-structureMetronomeTransitionpackagewindowsMetronomeTransition.icoI selected the Enable Native Packaging checkbox in Project Properties Build Deployment, and invoked the Build Native Package menu option. The MetronomeTransition.ico isn\'t being picked up in the native installer (it uses the default icon).I\'ve attached the NB project for the purpose of reproducing the issue.Also, please note the initial research that Petr Somol did on this issue:Just reporting what I have found so far.
The mechanism of adding icons through a dedicated subdirectory (packagewindowsMetronomeTransition.ico) is AFAICT not the future stable way of doing it. As described at, from JDK7u10b8 the standard passing of icon to the deployment task should work. This is actually the same way as it was used before for passing icons to generate jnlp files etc.In NB there is support for this standard way of passing icons. In Project Properties - Deployment you can fill a reference to your icon. This reference is then passed to as described in the document linked above.
In other words, from JDK7u10b8 it just should start to work with the existing NB support.Nevertheless, I have not succeeded in making this work so far. One reason is a bug I discovered in how we store/pass the icon property inside NB, so I\'ll correct that soon. However, even if I corrected this problem manually, I could not succeed in creating a native package with custom icon for unknown reason - which seems to me to be on the JDK side. I tried it on JDK7u10b14.
I always get a message like:\'Using default package resource application icon (add package/windows/MetronomeTransition.ico to the class path to customize)\'which does not make sense to me as the use of should override the need to extend classpath. In NB we can not easily extend classpath for the VM in which Ant tasks run so this is not the path we could follow. Passing the classpath extension to Ant typedef when surfacing FX tasks does not seem to work either.Then it tells: \'Icon File Name: C:UserspsomolAppDataLocalTempbuild645268846.fxbundlerwindowsMetronomeTransition.ico\'what shows that in windows the native packager creates a separate temporary directory for each run - the problem is that for each run a new temp dir is created with a different generated name, so the resources can not be substituted. I will investigate further and let you know if I get to something usable.
Javafxpert2012-12-14 17:06:17 UTC(In reply to ) Using JDK1.7.009On Dec 13, 2012, at 5:09 AM, PETR SOMOL wrote: Scott, I have a problem with FX native packaging and have a question to ask - do I understand it right that I can ask you regarding FX deployment stuff?Ultimately, Chris Bensen and Mark Howe will be picking up the packager, but I can answer this. It is about the issue which basically is about supplying custom icons to native packager and why it does not work from NB. I was told the issue is considered of high importance particularly on FX side - the first inquiry came from Jim Weaver but other people seem to be interested in it as well. To resolve the issue I rely on what is written atTucked away in that blog is a caveat that we only support the native platform icon type for each platform. So, a.ico only works for Windows and only an.icns will work on OS X. So I decided to take a look into the FX packager code. Javafxpert2012-12-14 17:07:53 UTCThanks Petr.
Sounds like we\'re blocked on this issue.@Joe, @Geertjan: Please advise whether I should file JavaFX and NetBeans issues for this, and if so, how to best file them so that the solution is coordinated between JavaFX packaging and NetBeans efforts.Please advise,Jim Weavercc: adding Sharat Chander, Nicolas Lorain, Stephen ChinOn 12/14/12 7:31 AM, PETR SOMOL wrote: Jim, I have been in touch with Scott regarding more technical details related to this issue. I am forwarding my last explanation here to clarify more. I just tried the 7u10 javafxpackager.exe and found that there was no command line argument listed in its help that would enable explicit specification of the icon file.
This seems to be in line with my understanding, that it is the approach a) (see below) which is fully supported and working, but approach b) may have not been fully realized yet. Petr On 17:49, PETR SOMOL wrote: Now I see my original description was misleading in more than one way.
I understand there are now two official ways of passing an icon to native packager - a) by creating a resources/windows subdirectory and storing the icon into it before the call to the packager, and the newer option b) as described in the blog, i.e., by passing the icon as element to task. So far only the first option has been successfully used by users and this is probably the way how Ensemble examples are realized. However, in NB the exact procedure required by approach a) does not work for reasons that I can explain if you were interested but which are not related to the issue I contacted you about. For the time being the only way we can implement for NB projects is the second approach b). so I checked DeployParams.getBundleParams but here to my surprise a BundleParams object is constructed but no icon is passed to it from DeployParams, although BundleParams has provisions to pass icon info (setIcon) And here is the second confusion I might have caused in my original description.
I wrote there was provision to pass icon to Bundler, but in fact I meant just this: from the packager codes I could see that the icon reference is passed all the way through to DeployParams, but then it is ignored and forgotten when constructing BundleParams. So when BundleParams is later passed to the concrete Bundler implementation, there is no trace of any icon in it. By remarking that I saw \'provisions to pass icon\' I just meant that BundleParams is apparently meant to pass icon info because there exists a setter for that purpose in it, but it is never called. Petr. Petr Somol2012-12-16 01:30:24 UTCJim, thank you for recording our e-mail exchange here, I\'ll redirect all relevant details here as well.I keep investigating the issue and for now discovered the following discrepancy between JavaFX documentation and NB build system behavior. At I see the following sentence: \'If you created a JavaFX project using Netbeans 7.2 or later, then the JavaFX Ant tasks are predefined, and \'.'
Samsung s3 phone. Solutions & Tips, Download Manual, Contact Us. Samsung Support Singapore.
Is already added to the classpath by default.\' Just under Example 6.5. This is not exactly true. In current NB build system we have provision to extend the classpath, but we do not add \'.' Currently this is to be done manually through project property endorsed.javafx.ant.classpath.If - for the purpose of native packager - \'.' Should be added always, we can change the build script accordingly.
Nevertheless, while trying to make the drop-in mechanism work I could not succeed with or without \'.' On taskdef classpath so far. Petr Somol2012-12-18 12:09:28 UTCObservation regarding approach a), i.e., the drop-in mechanism: We did find a way to make drop-in mechanism work in NB, which unfortunately is not recommendable in general.
Go to menu Tools-Options-Java-Ant and click Add Directory., now add the path to your project here. From now on the native packager does recognize the drop-in resources and does use the custom icons.
Surprisingly enough this works even without the \'.' Added to classpath attribute. The problem with this, and the reason why this is to be avoided, is the fact that it is a IDE-wide setting, not a project specific one.
Thus, adding a project to Ant classpath in this way pollutes Ant classpath of the IDE as a whole. Moreover, when a project is transferred elsewhere, this setting is not. Petr Somol2012-12-20 15:48:49 UTCI better file a waiver request for this issue with respect to 7.3 based on the following summary of the current state:Passing an icon to the JavaFX native bundler should be possible in two ways, according to FX documentation at and.a) the drop-in way relies on the Ant task from FX SDK to read the icon file from a relative subdirectory of a defined name. This mechanism currently does not work in NB due to the way NB handles Ant based build processes (Ant is not called from the project\'s root directory, etc.).
Making changes in NB Ant-based build infrastructure would be quite dangerous this close before release because it would substantially affect virtually all Java based project types. The potential change would affect considerably an infrastructure that has worked reliably in principally unchanged state for many years. A workaround, though ugly, exists; see.b) path to icon should be possible to pass to using a definition.
This approach is more in line with passing other types of information to the FX packager tasks and is actually already suppoted by NB. However, although it had been announced to work in JDK7u10 (FX SDK 2.2.4), it did not make it there. In JDK7u12 (FX SDK 2.2.6) improvements have been made but still the implementation fails to work on the FX SDK side.
An issue has been filed in JavaFX jira:In the current state this NB issue #223626 depends on the state of external tooling that keeps evolving at fast rate. The bug in the external tools can be expected to be fixed in near future, what would either resolve this issue without the need of any action on our side or with possibly very little adjustment of the FX Application specific build scripts. Such adjustment then can be published as a patch. In the meantime a workaround (though ugly) can be applied.The waiver request does not mean for sure that the issue will remain open before NB7.3 branching; we just can not guarantee when the final solution date with respect to 7.3 branching date. Javafxpert2013-03-12 22:42:12 UTCI tested on Mac and Windows, using JDK 7u17 and the latest development build of NB. It works for me on Mac but not on Windows.Mac: The icon (.icns file) that I selected in the Native Package Icon field of the Properties Build Deployment Icon and Splash Image dialog was successfully used.Windows: The icon (.ico file) that I selected in the Native Package Icon field of the Properties Build Deployment Icon and Splash Image dialog was not successfully used, rather, the default icon was used.Could someone please clarify the expected user steps on Windows? Note that I didn\'t alter the status of th issue.Thanks,Jim Weaver.
Petr Somol2013-03-13 16:39:46 UTCToday I discovered the following problems in FX native packager (some of which had not been known to me before) that are all outside NetBeans:1) At least on Windows the native packager expects the icon file to have the same name as is the name of the main project class. The patch presented in does not enforce this, so if users choose an icon with arbitrary name, it is simply ignored by the native packager. This particular problem can be overcome on NetBeans side by always creating a temporary icon copy, properly renamed, before passing to native packager task. This is now fixed in jetmain:2) Surprisingly, the only JDK to support correctly appears to be JDK7u14. I have today checked that JDK7u17 and JDK7u21 both fail silently, i.e., the native icon is silently ignored by their native packager.The patch in was made based on the assumption that once the correct behavior appeared once in 7u14, it will remain as part of all subsequent JDKs, but this turns out not to be true. Perhaps the newer JDKs are based on some pre-7u14 branch and serve as bugfixes only, while the fix in 7u14 has been forgotten to be transplanted?I better summarize here how to verify that JDK7u14 does work (and the others do not):- install current NetBeans daily build- run it on JDK7u14- create JavaFX Application project- in Project Properties dialog go to Deployment panel.
Here edit \'Icons and Splah image\' and browse for a valid.ico file (on Windows). Close the icons\' dialog by OK. Being again in the Deployment panel, check \'Enable native packaging\' and select All in the checkbox.
(I assume you have all the necessary third party tools installed)- right-click project in Projects window and select \'Build native package\'- after a while (a couple of minutes) the build process finishes. Now check from outside NetBeans, that there is the dist/bundles/ sub-directory in the project dir and that it contains an.exe file having the correct icon.The fact that there is uncertainty as of which JDK versions do support correctly, I recommend not to transplant the patches from this issue to 7.3 branch yet. I am marking this issue as candidate for the next patch, hoping that the situation on JDK side will have been clarified by then.At the same time I am going to reopen the jira issue RT-27029 with the same explanation as provided here.3) task does not use native packager implementation from the same JDK, instead it uses the one from the running VM. This is a problem in NetBeans, where projects can use different Java platforms from the one on which NB itself (and its build process) runs.
Take the today for more information and further details! This special offer gives you full member access to our downloads. Authorization Code For T Racks was added to DownloadKeeper this week and last updated on 11-May-2020. New downloads are added to the member section daily and we now have 365,206 downloads for our members, including: TV, Movies, Software, Games, Music and More.It\'s best if you avoid using common keywords when searching for Authorization Code For T Racks.
Therefore, support of in the platform selected for project is irrelevant, instead the whole NB must be run on a platform that supports.-As there is apparently nothing more that can be done on NetBeans side regarding the inconsistent support of in various JDKs, I am closing the issue again. When considering whether to leave the current support of native packager icons available to NB users, it is probably better to leave it so, because with some JDKs the functionality does work, and it can be expected that the bugs on JDK side will be resolved eventually.
IntroductionJavaFX brings an awesome packaging tool and terrific set of packaging Ant Tasks to the JVM. Starting with, these tools can be used to turn any arbitrary executable jar into native application bundles and installers. If you can follow the instructions for generating a Standalone Executable Jar, then you can turn your JRuby application into an.exe,.msi,.dmg,.deb or.rpm file that can install it and everything it needs to run onto your users systems as a native app. All you need is to get familiar with some ant tasks, and write a Rakefile.Prerequesites. Major improvements were made to the JavaFX packaging tools to make them more flexible, flexible enough to work with JRuby jars. These improvements were supposed to go into JDK7 update 10, but didn\'t make it.
So, unless a new update comes out that includes the improved packaging tools, you\'ll need to download and use the JDK8 Early Access Release. Efforts are being made to get these tools into. Once they are there, you can just have rake download the necessary jar (ant-javafx.jar), and not be bothered about versions at all.If you are releasing your build script/Rakefile into environments you do not immediately control, your script should check for the JDK 8 and include an appropriate error message. Otherwise you are setting your users up for a great deal of pain.The packaging toolkit can only create packages for the OS it is being used on, so for Windows installers you will need to run it on a Windows machine, for OSX installers you will need to run it on a Mac, etc.In order for the installer to be created, you will need some additional tools installed on your system. For Windows you need either Inno Setup 5 or later for an EXE or to generate an MSI. Make sure the WiX toolset\'s bin folder is on the PATH. No special tools are needed to generate a DMG, just a recent version of OSX.
For Linux, the packager uses dpkg-deb to create DEB installers and rpmbuild for RPM.A Simple ExampleThere are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tasks and customization options you can choose from, so it would be impossible for me to catalog those all here. Instead, we\'ll cover a simple example that should explain the basic principles involved, and you can examine the Oracle documentation for more advanced customization.If you aren\'t familiar with JRuby\'s Ant library, is a good primer, and there is an excellent sub-chapter in the book. Info( title: \'Hello World App\', vendor: \'Me\', description: \'Test built from Java executable jar\' ) application( mainClass: \'org.jruby.JarBootstrapMain\' ) resources do fileset( dir: \'dist\' ) do include name: \'HelloWorldApp.jar\'This should all be pretty self explanatory. Info is basic info about your app.
MainClass will always be org.jruby.JarBootstrapMain for us, unless something in JRuby changes. The resources block is where you list everything that goes into the package and would include additional files like extra jars or other stuff you might need bundled into the installer, although you may already have this all bundled up into your standalone executable jar. Here we just have the one jar, \'HelloWorldApp.jar\', which is in a directory, dist. There are tons of options you can pass to these tasks, and more tasks you can include.
Visit the official for details.Webstart FilesThe JavaFX packaging tool automatically produces Webstart files (a barebones html file to launch it and a jnlp file), used for loading the application from the browser. These are completely broken and unusable with JRuby, as far as I can tell, so be sure to have your rake task remove them, so as not to confuse users.For JRubyFX, we used something like this.
send( \'\', nativeBundles: \'all\', width: \'100\', height: \'100\', outdir: \'build/\', outfile: \'HelloWorldApp\', verbose: true ) doThis will cause the JavaFX packaging tools to enter verbose mode, and provide more details about the process, including (the important part for customization) the location of a temporary folder where the config resources for the build are held and a list of the resources and the role of each. Copy the contents of this tmp folder into a folder in your project directory (the dir you run rake from) where the packaging tools will know to look for them.
For example, on linux this would be mainprojectdir/package/linux. On OSX, it is mainprojectdir/package/macosx. So, if I wanted to use a custom icon, I\'d replace the default icon with my own, ensuring it has the same name, and place it inside that linux or macosx folder.
Then run the build again. You can find more information on customizing at the. May also be helpful, as he goes through the process of customizing an app for both Windows and OSX.For Addition Resources See:For an example of using these tasks programatically, check out the project\'s jrubyfx-jarify tool, which takes a few command-line options and spits out an executable jar and a native package.
...'>Javafx Self Contained Application Packaging For Mac(08.05.2020)Aug 22, 2012 I think the JavaFX deployment team is working on making packaging self-contained applications for multiple operating systems easier in future releases. If all this stuff scares you, then you might be better off using a Webstart, Applet or click to run jar style deployment instead (though they come with their own issues too). Feb 25, 2018 With JDK9 we can dramatically reduce the size of self-contained application bundles. We combine Javapackager and JLink for optimal results. Link to the artic.
Javafxpert2012-12-10 22:58:49 UTCCreatedMetronomeTransition NB project for the purpose of reproducing the issueI\'m trying to drop-in an.ico file when using NB 7.3 beta to create a self-contained application. I\'m placing the file subordinate to the project directory in the following directory:packagewindowsMy NB project is named MetronomeTransition, and here is the location of the.ico file:some-directory-structureMetronomeTransitionpackagewindowsMetronomeTransition.icoI selected the Enable Native Packaging checkbox in Project Properties Build Deployment, and invoked the Build Native Package menu option. The MetronomeTransition.ico isn\'t being picked up in the native installer (it uses the default icon).I\'ve attached the NB project for the purpose of reproducing the issue.Also, please note the initial research that Petr Somol did on this issue:Just reporting what I have found so far.
The mechanism of adding icons through a dedicated subdirectory (packagewindowsMetronomeTransition.ico) is AFAICT not the future stable way of doing it. As described at, from JDK7u10b8 the standard passing of icon to the deployment task should work. This is actually the same way as it was used before for passing icons to generate jnlp files etc.In NB there is support for this standard way of passing icons. In Project Properties - Deployment you can fill a reference to your icon. This reference is then passed to as described in the document linked above.
In other words, from JDK7u10b8 it just should start to work with the existing NB support.Nevertheless, I have not succeeded in making this work so far. One reason is a bug I discovered in how we store/pass the icon property inside NB, so I\'ll correct that soon. However, even if I corrected this problem manually, I could not succeed in creating a native package with custom icon for unknown reason - which seems to me to be on the JDK side. I tried it on JDK7u10b14.
I always get a message like:\'Using default package resource application icon (add package/windows/MetronomeTransition.ico to the class path to customize)\'which does not make sense to me as the use of should override the need to extend classpath. In NB we can not easily extend classpath for the VM in which Ant tasks run so this is not the path we could follow. Passing the classpath extension to Ant typedef when surfacing FX tasks does not seem to work either.Then it tells: \'Icon File Name: C:UserspsomolAppDataLocalTempbuild645268846.fxbundlerwindowsMetronomeTransition.ico\'what shows that in windows the native packager creates a separate temporary directory for each run - the problem is that for each run a new temp dir is created with a different generated name, so the resources can not be substituted. I will investigate further and let you know if I get to something usable.
Javafxpert2012-12-14 17:06:17 UTC(In reply to ) Using JDK1.7.009On Dec 13, 2012, at 5:09 AM, PETR SOMOL wrote: Scott, I have a problem with FX native packaging and have a question to ask - do I understand it right that I can ask you regarding FX deployment stuff?Ultimately, Chris Bensen and Mark Howe will be picking up the packager, but I can answer this. It is about the issue which basically is about supplying custom icons to native packager and why it does not work from NB. I was told the issue is considered of high importance particularly on FX side - the first inquiry came from Jim Weaver but other people seem to be interested in it as well. To resolve the issue I rely on what is written atTucked away in that blog is a caveat that we only support the native platform icon type for each platform. So, a.ico only works for Windows and only an.icns will work on OS X. So I decided to take a look into the FX packager code. Javafxpert2012-12-14 17:07:53 UTCThanks Petr.
Sounds like we\'re blocked on this issue.@Joe, @Geertjan: Please advise whether I should file JavaFX and NetBeans issues for this, and if so, how to best file them so that the solution is coordinated between JavaFX packaging and NetBeans efforts.Please advise,Jim Weavercc: adding Sharat Chander, Nicolas Lorain, Stephen ChinOn 12/14/12 7:31 AM, PETR SOMOL wrote: Jim, I have been in touch with Scott regarding more technical details related to this issue. I am forwarding my last explanation here to clarify more. I just tried the 7u10 javafxpackager.exe and found that there was no command line argument listed in its help that would enable explicit specification of the icon file.
This seems to be in line with my understanding, that it is the approach a) (see below) which is fully supported and working, but approach b) may have not been fully realized yet. Petr On 17:49, PETR SOMOL wrote: Now I see my original description was misleading in more than one way.
I understand there are now two official ways of passing an icon to native packager - a) by creating a resources/windows subdirectory and storing the icon into it before the call to the packager, and the newer option b) as described in the blog, i.e., by passing the icon as element to task. So far only the first option has been successfully used by users and this is probably the way how Ensemble examples are realized. However, in NB the exact procedure required by approach a) does not work for reasons that I can explain if you were interested but which are not related to the issue I contacted you about. For the time being the only way we can implement for NB projects is the second approach b). so I checked DeployParams.getBundleParams but here to my surprise a BundleParams object is constructed but no icon is passed to it from DeployParams, although BundleParams has provisions to pass icon info (setIcon) And here is the second confusion I might have caused in my original description.
I wrote there was provision to pass icon to Bundler, but in fact I meant just this: from the packager codes I could see that the icon reference is passed all the way through to DeployParams, but then it is ignored and forgotten when constructing BundleParams. So when BundleParams is later passed to the concrete Bundler implementation, there is no trace of any icon in it. By remarking that I saw \'provisions to pass icon\' I just meant that BundleParams is apparently meant to pass icon info because there exists a setter for that purpose in it, but it is never called. Petr. Petr Somol2012-12-16 01:30:24 UTCJim, thank you for recording our e-mail exchange here, I\'ll redirect all relevant details here as well.I keep investigating the issue and for now discovered the following discrepancy between JavaFX documentation and NB build system behavior. At I see the following sentence: \'If you created a JavaFX project using Netbeans 7.2 or later, then the JavaFX Ant tasks are predefined, and \'.'
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Is already added to the classpath by default.\' Just under Example 6.5. This is not exactly true. In current NB build system we have provision to extend the classpath, but we do not add \'.' Currently this is to be done manually through project property endorsed.javafx.ant.classpath.If - for the purpose of native packager - \'.' Should be added always, we can change the build script accordingly.
Nevertheless, while trying to make the drop-in mechanism work I could not succeed with or without \'.' On taskdef classpath so far. Petr Somol2012-12-18 12:09:28 UTCObservation regarding approach a), i.e., the drop-in mechanism: We did find a way to make drop-in mechanism work in NB, which unfortunately is not recommendable in general.
Go to menu Tools-Options-Java-Ant and click Add Directory., now add the path to your project here. From now on the native packager does recognize the drop-in resources and does use the custom icons.
Surprisingly enough this works even without the \'.' Added to classpath attribute. The problem with this, and the reason why this is to be avoided, is the fact that it is a IDE-wide setting, not a project specific one.
Thus, adding a project to Ant classpath in this way pollutes Ant classpath of the IDE as a whole. Moreover, when a project is transferred elsewhere, this setting is not. Petr Somol2012-12-20 15:48:49 UTCI better file a waiver request for this issue with respect to 7.3 based on the following summary of the current state:Passing an icon to the JavaFX native bundler should be possible in two ways, according to FX documentation at and.a) the drop-in way relies on the Ant task from FX SDK to read the icon file from a relative subdirectory of a defined name. This mechanism currently does not work in NB due to the way NB handles Ant based build processes (Ant is not called from the project\'s root directory, etc.).
Making changes in NB Ant-based build infrastructure would be quite dangerous this close before release because it would substantially affect virtually all Java based project types. The potential change would affect considerably an infrastructure that has worked reliably in principally unchanged state for many years. A workaround, though ugly, exists; see.b) path to icon should be possible to pass to using a definition.
This approach is more in line with passing other types of information to the FX packager tasks and is actually already suppoted by NB. However, although it had been announced to work in JDK7u10 (FX SDK 2.2.4), it did not make it there. In JDK7u12 (FX SDK 2.2.6) improvements have been made but still the implementation fails to work on the FX SDK side.
An issue has been filed in JavaFX jira:In the current state this NB issue #223626 depends on the state of external tooling that keeps evolving at fast rate. The bug in the external tools can be expected to be fixed in near future, what would either resolve this issue without the need of any action on our side or with possibly very little adjustment of the FX Application specific build scripts. Such adjustment then can be published as a patch. In the meantime a workaround (though ugly) can be applied.The waiver request does not mean for sure that the issue will remain open before NB7.3 branching; we just can not guarantee when the final solution date with respect to 7.3 branching date. Javafxpert2013-03-12 22:42:12 UTCI tested on Mac and Windows, using JDK 7u17 and the latest development build of NB. It works for me on Mac but not on Windows.Mac: The icon (.icns file) that I selected in the Native Package Icon field of the Properties Build Deployment Icon and Splash Image dialog was successfully used.Windows: The icon (.ico file) that I selected in the Native Package Icon field of the Properties Build Deployment Icon and Splash Image dialog was not successfully used, rather, the default icon was used.Could someone please clarify the expected user steps on Windows? Note that I didn\'t alter the status of th issue.Thanks,Jim Weaver.
Petr Somol2013-03-13 16:39:46 UTCToday I discovered the following problems in FX native packager (some of which had not been known to me before) that are all outside NetBeans:1) At least on Windows the native packager expects the icon file to have the same name as is the name of the main project class. The patch presented in does not enforce this, so if users choose an icon with arbitrary name, it is simply ignored by the native packager. This particular problem can be overcome on NetBeans side by always creating a temporary icon copy, properly renamed, before passing to native packager task. This is now fixed in jetmain:2) Surprisingly, the only JDK to support correctly appears to be JDK7u14. I have today checked that JDK7u17 and JDK7u21 both fail silently, i.e., the native icon is silently ignored by their native packager.The patch in was made based on the assumption that once the correct behavior appeared once in 7u14, it will remain as part of all subsequent JDKs, but this turns out not to be true. Perhaps the newer JDKs are based on some pre-7u14 branch and serve as bugfixes only, while the fix in 7u14 has been forgotten to be transplanted?I better summarize here how to verify that JDK7u14 does work (and the others do not):- install current NetBeans daily build- run it on JDK7u14- create JavaFX Application project- in Project Properties dialog go to Deployment panel.
Here edit \'Icons and Splah image\' and browse for a valid.ico file (on Windows). Close the icons\' dialog by OK. Being again in the Deployment panel, check \'Enable native packaging\' and select All in the checkbox.
(I assume you have all the necessary third party tools installed)- right-click project in Projects window and select \'Build native package\'- after a while (a couple of minutes) the build process finishes. Now check from outside NetBeans, that there is the dist/bundles/ sub-directory in the project dir and that it contains an.exe file having the correct icon.The fact that there is uncertainty as of which JDK versions do support correctly, I recommend not to transplant the patches from this issue to 7.3 branch yet. I am marking this issue as candidate for the next patch, hoping that the situation on JDK side will have been clarified by then.At the same time I am going to reopen the jira issue RT-27029 with the same explanation as provided here.3) task does not use native packager implementation from the same JDK, instead it uses the one from the running VM. This is a problem in NetBeans, where projects can use different Java platforms from the one on which NB itself (and its build process) runs.
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Therefore, support of in the platform selected for project is irrelevant, instead the whole NB must be run on a platform that supports.-As there is apparently nothing more that can be done on NetBeans side regarding the inconsistent support of in various JDKs, I am closing the issue again. When considering whether to leave the current support of native packager icons available to NB users, it is probably better to leave it so, because with some JDKs the functionality does work, and it can be expected that the bugs on JDK side will be resolved eventually.
IntroductionJavaFX brings an awesome packaging tool and terrific set of packaging Ant Tasks to the JVM. Starting with, these tools can be used to turn any arbitrary executable jar into native application bundles and installers. If you can follow the instructions for generating a Standalone Executable Jar, then you can turn your JRuby application into an.exe,.msi,.dmg,.deb or.rpm file that can install it and everything it needs to run onto your users systems as a native app. All you need is to get familiar with some ant tasks, and write a Rakefile.Prerequesites. Major improvements were made to the JavaFX packaging tools to make them more flexible, flexible enough to work with JRuby jars. These improvements were supposed to go into JDK7 update 10, but didn\'t make it.
So, unless a new update comes out that includes the improved packaging tools, you\'ll need to download and use the JDK8 Early Access Release. Efforts are being made to get these tools into. Once they are there, you can just have rake download the necessary jar (ant-javafx.jar), and not be bothered about versions at all.If you are releasing your build script/Rakefile into environments you do not immediately control, your script should check for the JDK 8 and include an appropriate error message. Otherwise you are setting your users up for a great deal of pain.The packaging toolkit can only create packages for the OS it is being used on, so for Windows installers you will need to run it on a Windows machine, for OSX installers you will need to run it on a Mac, etc.In order for the installer to be created, you will need some additional tools installed on your system. For Windows you need either Inno Setup 5 or later for an EXE or to generate an MSI. Make sure the WiX toolset\'s bin folder is on the PATH. No special tools are needed to generate a DMG, just a recent version of OSX.
For Linux, the packager uses dpkg-deb to create DEB installers and rpmbuild for RPM.A Simple ExampleThere are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tasks and customization options you can choose from, so it would be impossible for me to catalog those all here. Instead, we\'ll cover a simple example that should explain the basic principles involved, and you can examine the Oracle documentation for more advanced customization.If you aren\'t familiar with JRuby\'s Ant library, is a good primer, and there is an excellent sub-chapter in the book. Info( title: \'Hello World App\', vendor: \'Me\', description: \'Test built from Java executable jar\' ) application( mainClass: \'org.jruby.JarBootstrapMain\' ) resources do fileset( dir: \'dist\' ) do include name: \'HelloWorldApp.jar\'This should all be pretty self explanatory. Info is basic info about your app.
MainClass will always be org.jruby.JarBootstrapMain for us, unless something in JRuby changes. The resources block is where you list everything that goes into the package and would include additional files like extra jars or other stuff you might need bundled into the installer, although you may already have this all bundled up into your standalone executable jar. Here we just have the one jar, \'HelloWorldApp.jar\', which is in a directory, dist. There are tons of options you can pass to these tasks, and more tasks you can include.
Visit the official for details.Webstart FilesThe JavaFX packaging tool automatically produces Webstart files (a barebones html file to launch it and a jnlp file), used for loading the application from the browser. These are completely broken and unusable with JRuby, as far as I can tell, so be sure to have your rake task remove them, so as not to confuse users.For JRubyFX, we used something like this.
send( \'\', nativeBundles: \'all\', width: \'100\', height: \'100\', outdir: \'build/\', outfile: \'HelloWorldApp\', verbose: true ) doThis will cause the JavaFX packaging tools to enter verbose mode, and provide more details about the process, including (the important part for customization) the location of a temporary folder where the config resources for the build are held and a list of the resources and the role of each. Copy the contents of this tmp folder into a folder in your project directory (the dir you run rake from) where the packaging tools will know to look for them.
For example, on linux this would be mainprojectdir/package/linux. On OSX, it is mainprojectdir/package/macosx. So, if I wanted to use a custom icon, I\'d replace the default icon with my own, ensuring it has the same name, and place it inside that linux or macosx folder.
Then run the build again. You can find more information on customizing at the. May also be helpful, as he goes through the process of customizing an app for both Windows and OSX.For Addition Resources See:For an example of using these tasks programatically, check out the project\'s jrubyfx-jarify tool, which takes a few command-line options and spits out an executable jar and a native package.
...'>Javafx Self Contained Application Packaging For Mac(08.05.2020)