Tntmips 2015 For Mac



Data for ExercisesCopy the folder data in to the top-level directory C: on your hard drive. It is essential to have it in a convenient location as you will be modifying and adding to the data as you work through the exercises. TNTmips resources Installing the TNTmips softwareDouble-click the self-installing file TNT2015AppWin8.exe, which opens an InstallShield wizard:Click Next to proceed and then respond Yes to accept the terms of the Licence Agreement.Enter a User Name and a Company name at the next step, if the wizard has not picked them up from your original Windows installation. Click Next.You are then asked for a Destination Location, which is best left as the default C:Program FilesMicroImagesTNT2015.Once you click Next you are given an option to add languages in addition to English which is the default. Since the Exercises are all in English it is best to decline the multilingual options – click on Languages to decline all of them.After another InstallShield screen to allow you to review your entries, the software will be installed, and will appear in Start/Programs as a folder called MicroImages.Now start TMTmips – click on Start/Programs/MicroImages/TNTgis 2015 (32-bit)/ TNTmips 2015 (32-bit) (you will only be using TNTmips in the Exercises). First you will be asked to configure your licence.

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Select Free for all three parts of the software.Click OK and the TNTmips main menu bar will appear at top-left of your desktop. Install the TNTmips documentationTo install the complete set of documentation files on your computer run the self-installing file by double clicking on TNT2015DocWin 20150624.exe. This automatically locates the files in C:Program FilesMicroImagesTNT2015doc. The Tutorials provide step-by-step instructions for major processes used by TNTmips. Technical Guides summarize the capabilities of individual processes and explain the process interface and settings. Quick Guides provide quick how-to’s and power tips.The installed documentation comes with a pre-built search index. A convenient way to locate the topics covered by the many PDF files while using TNTmips is to select Help/Browse Documentation.


That opens the file category.htm in C:Program FilesMicroImagesTNT2015dochtml in your default web browser. On the left of the window under Documentation are links to the TNTmips Tutorials, Technical Guides, and Quick Guides, and a Glossary of terms used in the TNTgis system – that is the best starting point.Browsing through the contents gives a clear impression of the huge range of possibilities presented by this and many other professional GIS and image processing software systems. The Exercises in this project use just a few of the more geologically relevant options.

Once you have completed them, you may wish to learn more skills by going through some of the Tutorials which use sample data to which the Tutorials refer. Install sample data for TNTmips tutorialsCreate a new folder called Sample Data in C:Program FilesMicroImagesTNT2015. You now need to unzip the file and copy the various folders and their contents to this new folder.The following Tutorials may be useful for extending your geological work. Access them from Help/Tutorials in the main TNTmips Menu bar. This will open tutorials.htm in C:Program FilesMicroImagesTNT2015dochtml if you have installed the TNTmips documentation. General topicsDisplaying geospatial dataGeoreferencingGetting good colourCoordinate reference systemsCombining rastersFiltering imagesMap projectionsRectifying imagesGeologically useful topics3D perspective visualizationAnalyzing hyperspectral imagesAnalyzing terrain and surfacesCreating and using StylesDigitizing soil mapsEditing Vector geodataHyperspectral imagingImage classification and Feature mappingMaking geological mapsMaking map layoutsModelling watershed geomorphology.

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