Blender 2.8 User Preferences
Blender 2.8 save user preferences

No Compatible GPUs found. Seen in Blender 2.8 User Preferences System. Cycles Render Devices. Version 2.78 recognizes the GPU. I understand that 2.78 and 2.8 have different requirement.


No Compatible GPUs found.Seen in Blender 2.8 User PreferencesSystem. Cycles Render Devices.Version 2.78 recognizes the GPU. I understand that 2.78 and 2.8 have different requirements. Yet I would like to rule out other problems.Is there any action I can take to correct this situation?Is there any steps I can take to investigate this situation. In the past I have rarely had to consider a situation like this with the GPU.Windows 10 OS,Nvidia 670M GPU Laptop. GeForce GTX 670M Compute Capability 2.1System Info provided by Blender 2.8 as a text file.ExcerptBlender 2.80 (sub 75) System Information =Blender:version: 2.80 (sub 75), branch: master, commit date: 2019-07-29 14:47, hash: f6cb5f54494e, type:build date: 2019-07-29, 09:44 AMplatform: WindowsOpenGL:renderer: 'GeForce GTX 670M/PCIe/SSE2'vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation'version: '4.5.0 NVIDIA 382.05'Some links that were not particularly helpful to me.

The requirements for GPU rendering are higher than the for running Blender.Supported Graphics CardsThese requirements are for basic Blender operation, rendering using the GPU requires slightly different.The manual states that CUDA compute capability 3.0 or higher is required for GPU rendering. Graphics cards that do not meet that requirement will not be listed in the preferences.NVIDIA CUDA is supported for GPU rendering with NVIDIA graphics cards. Blender supports graphics cards with compute capability 3.0 and higher. To make sure your GPU is supported, see the with the compute capabilities and supported graphics cards.The Nvidia website lists the GeForce GTX 670M with a compute capability of 2.1, which does not meet the requirements for GPU rendering.

When you change an interface so significantly you should provide a menu/preferences option to emulate an earlier build interface for a couple of reasons.Experienced users can optimize their workflow by choosing which layout they preferNew users who are following tutorials which use the old layout can find stuff.I am in the second category and have had to delete 2.8 and start using 2.79 just so I can follow tutorials.The 2.8 splash screen does not give the option to emulate 2.79 anymore ( I believe it once did). Theskyx for mac. It does give an option to save files to 2.7x and to choose left or right mouse, but it does nothing for the layout, not even when restarting it.

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